Friday, April 13, 2007

ta freaking da

i watch the office, and i found it particularly funny last night. thats where my title comes from. i also enjoyed, "dwight, you ignorant slut" and it was so darn funny that they said it twice for my viewing pleasure. hilarious! so if i ever say that to you, and insert your name in for dwight, do not be offended. just laugh, because i am sure that i will be laughing too.

it's friday friends! and its payday. blessed payday.

it's also friday the 13th. spooky. the first spooky thing that happened to me this morning was that i dropped my banana on the ground. what does this mean? what are the cosmos trying to tell me? i do wonder.

the second spooky event - the police called me. then they sent their best looking officer to come to my office to have me sign something. hot damn. haha. i've always wanted to say that and i felt that was a good place for it.

that's it for spooky events thus far. do tell me your friday the 13th story if you do have one.

last night i hosted the first bbq of the year! jeff called me and told me he wanted to bbq for supper and so we went and got a couple terriaki steaks. we had a couple extra, so i promply called my lovely dating friends, lynnel and denver, and we supped together. we had steaks, a huge garden salad, a vegetable melody, potato salad and fresh buns. lynnel and denny brought a homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie (technically homemade but purchased from mystic java) and though we didn't let it settle long enough after coming out of the oven, it was outstanding. NOW i know why you always see pictures of pies sitting on the counter all steamy and delicious looking. they need a few minutes to settle so they aren't runny! ah ha! that makes so much sense. but it didn't matter what it looked like. it still tastes the same. so we had a good night, watched some hockey (go flames, right lynnel?!) and some other thurs night tv shows, i.e. the office, 30 rock and my name is earl. good friends, good times.

horray horrah for 21 degrees tomorrow!

that's all for now!


Anonymous said...

i've never watched an entire episode of the office, but my dad has the first two seasons. i've seen bits and pieces and it's pretty funny! i'm jealous you had a bbq....we just chucked ours cause it was having some major issues. my dad doesn't want to buy another one cause he always burns when he bbq's. but it's just not summer without the amazing smells of bbq! here's to a summer of patio parties and bbq's!

Anonymous said...

okay. I don't think you should write about bbq food on your blog anymore, because poor Korean Carmen has no access to the mentioned food. sigh.
I will miss barbecues. I will. Did I hear right that Denver and Lynnel are dating? Is this true Lynnel?
And Kristin. You are done school. I have tried posting on your blog like 4 times and everytime I try it kicks me out. I'm sorry. I wanted to say congratulations to my dear friend. I love you. I hope this posts.


**Lola** said...

i cannot go throughout the day now without muttering those words at least once. "dwight, you ignorant slut" Pure poetry.