Friday, October 28, 2005

it's friday!

jann arden was AWESOME. i just loved her. she is so funny and a great performer. she sounds better in concert than on her albums. she is very down to earth. even jeff had a good time. he liked the fact that jann recognized her audience was mostly women and made a few jokes about the men that were dragged there. we had lots of fun and it felt nice to dress up and do something a little bit different. i wish i took some pictures.

denver's spooktacular party is on saturday night and i don't have a costume. i am hoping he will accept me dressed up as a stressed out student. yep that sounds good to me!

i'm done midterms but now i have a 4 assignments (which are each 6-8 pages, basically 4 essays), a presentation and two 12 page research papers to write in the next 3 weeks. that's insanity at its worst. i think i'm just gonna go to sleep and wake up when its all over.

let's get happier.....

things i am excited about

(in order of appearance from now until jan 1/06):

-spooktacular extravaganza 2005

-kristy-anne coming to visit next weekend

-nov long weekend when i get to go to a wedding and wear a pretty dress and have fun


-december when classes are over and i get to make some money (even though working sucks)

-december in general b/c i can truly be excited for christmas

-dad's christmas presentation

-alison & leon coming to visit

-a weekend in winnipeg for jeff's staff christmas party, all expenses paid

-CHRISTMAS!!!! in calgary and in porcupine plain (thats gonna be a hard one to work out this year...)

-new years eve

-semester 1 ending, semester 2 beginning (i love brand new classes)

that's all i can think of at the top of my head, but i have to admit it made me feel better!

have a great weekend...
kristin anne

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Oh sweet Carmen

Truly the cutest blog in the world -

It's Carmen and David's brand new blog. She is pregnant and is due in April. David has started a column in the newspaper at the University of Lethbridge, it's called "He's Pregnant." Now they will be posting the pregnancy journey on a blog! She is just gorgeous, so check it out.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Yikes. I'm Scared.

there are only about 3 really horrible weeks that i have this semester and the end of this week/beginning of next week happens to be one of them (i'm smudging them together). i'm scared. i sit and think about how scared i am that i am not working on assignments, reading my books or studying for that last midterm (i've already written two which were actually fine). oh why why why do we procrastinate? why do i not have just a teensy bit more urgency for schoolwork? no, instead i come to that place where it's 3 am and i think, would i really regret it if i just quit now?!!! and i dont just mean quit that particular assignment, i mean quit the whole thing. ha i'm laughing at the thought of it all. can you imagine me quitting university in year 3? oh i'd simply die of madness. tonight i volunteered to put together the entire powerpoint presentation of this group project that is due next week. why did i volunteer? because i want it done right and i can't stand to let someone else do it. that was just ridiculous of me. but so far it looks awesome, and i know that when i do something like this, it gets done right. just the way i like it. but oh the work involved! our group project is a presentation on international development and global health. right up my alley, i just love this stuff. i find that at almost every opportunity i get to chose my own paper topic/presentation/project i do it on some aspect of women & children and social aspects, particularly health and education. so interesting, so sad.

we're going to jann arden on wednesday night. i'm so excited.

it's also our two year anniversary this weekend. i had to make up a date for this because we actually met on my 21st birthday and we sort of just became "us" over the course of a month. so in order not to celebrate 2 exciting days at once, i decided that our anniversary will always be the third weekend of october. i'm so smart.

thursday i get my hair done which i'm also excited about. i'm missing my blonde so i think it will reimerge, ever so slightly, at about 3pm thursday afternoon. stay tuned.

my fish is well, thank you for asking.

i saw wedding crashers on saturday night... so funny for those who haven't seen it yet. really it's such a good movie, besides those moments that nobody warned me of, when a certain body part was on the big screen flashing in my face about 8 times, yikes where did that come from???

alison, when does leon come to town to sing for us?

the song i was trying to think of in my last post... i'm pretty sure it was an alannnah myles song...still trying to figure that out. wait, wait i don't think it was her actually. yah i'm not sure.

blog that i related to the most this week: my long lost kelowna friend, megan horban. oh her post is so me, from school to overload to the blue and brown colours of our room. read it to further my comments in this blog, particularly the school part. check her out on my links.

blog with the most heart and soul this week: kristy-anne glubish. brought me to tears.

goodnight friends, over and out.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

canadian idol?

i've got two tickets to the C95 big party tonight if anyone wants them....

i thought of the song i would sing if i ever were to try out for Canadian Idol, but it just slipped my mind. i wanted to put it on here so i would remember for next time :) i always pick out songs i would sing if i were to go on there, i've done it for years, but i know i still never would. hmm thats annoying that i just forgot it. it was a woman, someone like janis joplin or melissa ethbridge but it wasn't either of them. i'd LOVE to do 'piece of my heart' by janis but it's been done over and over, but man would i belt that song. anyway i just love kelly clarkson. it's not that i would even want to make it big like that (what canadian idol will EVER make it that big anyway, in fact, what american idol will either?), but i do like to sing. i'd sing sheryl crow and india arie. and all kinds of other songs.

well i'm going to go buy a plant for my fishy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Welcome to the family Rex!!!
(please don't die)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Weekend Fun

High time for a new blog I think.

I had a weekend without Jeff which was a little bit unusual for me. I'm very used to him being away during the week with his job, which works out fine for me because I'm busy with school. But he's always home on the weekends! However this weekend, the Oilers and the Riders took precedence over little me. Both teams lost, which serves him right for going without me :) haha, just kidding, I'm glad he had a weekend with his friends because I had a fun weekend with my friends. Friday some of us played Ramolie and I kicked butt when in the last hand I got the
7-8-9 combo. Quite exciting, I was like, shaking with excitement, truly.

Saturday, Cory and I went shopping at Superstore, and I found out that something I had bought there last month had gone on sale, bigtime... I had the receipt with me in my purse and after a little bit of arguing with Customer Service and having a little chat with her supervisor, I got a return of $79.00. That felt good.

And Saturday night we started off with a girls poker night (our first ever... there will be more where that came from!), and then the boys came and invaded our night with "ooh ooh let me see what you got"," don't do that", and basically telling us how to play.... they couldn't help themselves, I understand that. But still, next girls poker night will be strictly that. girls. and a big sign on the door, no boys allowed.

sunday afternoon jeff came home and he spent most of the afternoon sleeping on my couch with another football game on, but i was just happy to have him home again.

but my weekend sans jeff was nice none-the-less.

something else exciting that has happened this weekend is that i bought a fish! my very own, separate than my dad's fancy fish tank in the family room. no this guy is in his own special bowl in my room. he's truly beautiful. he's a turquoise chinese fighter fish. i am yet to name him, but lynnel came up with a good one - Rex. i think i like that name, but i'm still open to suggestions.
i love him. i wish he could cuddle like edwin could but since my mom isn't allergic to this guy, he's all i get for now. i'll take a picture soon and put him on here for all to see.

well i best get back to work now, SEE YA....

Thursday, October 06, 2005

girls and flowers

Jeff bought me some flowers for my birthday. I thought they were pretty pretty. They were sent to me at work, which is one of the best feelings a girl can get. Especially when you work in an atmosphere full of women ;) Women really appreciate the flowers and ooh and ahh over them, and say "oh i wish my husband would send me flowers! your man is a keeper!". trust me, every time a girl at work gets flowers from her significant other, we go through the same process. and then we all go home and say to him, "so and so got flowers today, how come you never send me flowers?" and the cycle continues...

besides flowers he got me great seats to see jann arden. i told him back in May when they went on sale that if he was smart, that is what he should get me for my birthday and he actually did it. so i'm pretty excited to see her.

thats all for now...