Thursday, January 12, 2006

second semester

i have some time here so i thought i'd write a bit about my classes. i was inspired by carmen's comments about wanting to know what else i am taking, and also by megan's blog, who wrote about a very weird experience she had involving spicy chick peas and a professor who decided not to wear the costume he brought because it showed to much skin. ahem. very interesting?! those trinity westerners...... they pay 3 times the tuition but they sure get interesting learning experiences!

my classes are not nearly as eventful. as we all know i am taking my third course in spanish which perhaps i should take a new and more positive view on. the prof spends most of the class moving from person to person asking them questions that everyone else seems to know the answer to, except for me and the girl beside me. i should sit with someone more spanish smart. i am gonna try a little bit harder from now on, and make sure i do my homework and study.

secondly i have world religions which i don't really have anything to say about.

thirdly i have cultural anthropology which is going to be okay i think. we don't have an actual textbook, but instead, three novels written by anthropologists that are about three different cultures - natives, inuits and drug dealers in east harlem. our midterm is a take home book report on these three books. how easy is that? i've started the drug dealer one and its quite good. definitely a different world view, that's for sure.

i am still in history of the third world. first semester was all about events that have happened which didn't seem to have anything to do with development, but this semester we're getting into the goods, like economic theory and people/institutions who have shaped third world policies, and the underdevelped world, and why we think half the world is in poverty and if we think development is working. very interesting stuff, i'm loving this class this semester.

finally i am in a sociology class, women and development. there are only 16 people in the class, which is great and bad at the same time. i like to hide out in class and take it all in, but as years go on, i am put in these types of situations where i have to have an opinion and i have to be part of the discussion or else i am viewed as the girl who doesn't have any opinion... which is not really a good rep to have among your fellow students in university, and also not true of me at all. i do have quite an opinion on the things we talk about, but in my first two years of university i didn't have much opportunity to express it, and suddenly this year, so many of my classes are discussion classes, and here i am, not so good at presenting and not so hot at discussion. well i gotta get used to that, and i gotta get used to it fast, b/c i have plenty of presentations coming up. i'm getting better. anyway its a night class, and not only is it a night class, it's a THURSDAY night class which means no more O.C. and no more ER. unless i find someone to tape it for me... luckily, Survivor and the Apprentice are over for this season so i won't be missing out on them.

so that is my semester. i have been using time wisely, and i have 2 hours on mon, wed and fri to go to the PAC gym which makes me feel good about me. they gym will do that to you, you know.

i wish i had something terribly interesting to say about my classes, like megan did, but unfortunately my saskatchewan educational institute just doesn't do it like trinity!!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Some Christmas photos

I love this little kitty, her name is Blue. So sweet.
I love kittys and Christmas trees.
(RIP Edwin hehe)

Jeff and I at dinner on New Years Eve

The "little-ist" and the "biggest" grandkids - me and Destiny
(and her Bratz doll of course)

espanol RANT and RAVE!

oh MY school has started again with a big bang boom. i started it all off with fricken SPANISH of alllllllllllll classes. i am DREADING IT!!!! i've already failed it once!!! first of all, it's at EIGHT FREAKING THIRTY in the morning. second of all, the one friend that i have in this class was not there this morning. this fact terrifies me . thirdly, he went through the class asking random questions and i have no idea what he is saying and all i can do is look down and pray to God he will not ask me how big my family is or what my major in school is or how i'm freaking doing today!!!!! AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH! i can figure out the question and i can answer it, but it takes me 18 minutes to do it before i'm ready to answer!!!!!!! fourthly of all (hehe maybe i should take an english class) i thought i was so awesome because i was gonna borrow lynnel's text book from her 114 class which SHOULD be the same for 117 except this year he decided to CHANGE it and i just went and spent $145 on a new TEXT BOOK for a class i DESPISE!!!!!! i'm just dying people, i don't think i'm gonna make it. again.

that is all i have to say for now.