Thursday, August 04, 2005

the dealio

first of all i'd like to congratulate my blog on 10,000 hits. you are so pretty now that you have had a makeover and your owner is so interesting and funny. i'm sure that she is as pretty as you are, little miss blog. thanks for being such a great read.

alright now that my tribute to my blog is done, moving on.

let's talk insurance. so the dealio was - take all your clothes to the drycleaners and then when you get them all back, anything that is stained, shrunk or ruined can be claimed. so we do that. thank GOODNESS lynnel and i made a huge list of my clothes that were wrecked before sending them off to be cleaned. because according to the drycleaners, everything i sent in has been cleaned and returned. however i started thinking - "now where are my favorite jeans" and "hey its camping time, where are my husky shorts" and finally, "what the heck else is missing here??" so i go back to my list of stuff and there are about 25 items missing from the drycleaners. wow what is THAT?! if we hadn't made a list, i would have no idea what was still missing. so good for us smarty pants girls. and we were both blonde at the time too!!! hehe. anyway i guess i just get to claim all the missing stuff too.

the fringe festival starts tonight. that's kind of fun. and i can't wait for the Ex. i love to go to all the silly shows, like the dog show, the talent show, the hypnotist guy, last year there was the chuckwagon races and the demolition car derby it was so much fun! i love cars bashing into each other it's so funny.

i'm loving big brother 6 so much. i love the "cool" group so much. i hope that if i were on big brother, i would be on james and sarah and kaysar and janelle and howie and rachel's team. they are WAY cooler than maggie. although i like jennifer and april. kaysar is the hottest muslim man i have ever seen. i can't stand maggie or yvette. oooh they drive me nuts! i laugh so much when they start talking about the "bad guys," like that is so dumb. i don't know yet who i want to win. i really like rachel and sarah. they sure don't say a whole lot about beau.

canadian idol - like who on earth is voting for josh palmer? that guy is brutal. i can't wait till he's off.

i went to jenna's house on my lunch break today. i didn't have it until 2:00 so i ate my lunch on one of my morning breaks this morning. jenna and i sat on her deck for almost the whole hour. it was so sunny and beautiful. i can't wait for the day when i get to have little babies at home and i can be a stay-at-home mom for a year. i'm sure by the time that year ends i'll be so ready to also go back to work. it'd be so nice to stay at home sometimes.

speaking of jenna, tomorrow is her 21st birthday, so make sure you say happy birthday to her.

1 comment:

Scout said...

I am 10244....
what does that mean?
I am almost at 1980...Do you advertise your blog on billboards and stuff or do you just know ppl you just hit refresh for days on end...cause I thought of doing that works...
ps - i hate hoodlums - read blog to find out why (another shameless plug)