welcome to my blog! i have actually thought about the title, imagine that? quite a bit. there are so many things i think about and things i find important and things i am learning - imagine that? is what this blog is all about (besides the fact that blogging is my number one procrastination hobby).
i know there are people from all over the world reading this - some i know, others i don't - but i welcome you all to read a little, learn a bit and hear some of the extremely inspiring, life changing and hilarious thoughts inside my head!
and while you're here, leave a comment - let me know how much you love my blog! i live for your comments and i'm dying to know how you made your way to my site! (Texas? PEI? China? Spain?) seriously. don't be a hater. leave your mark!
go on.... imagine that?
You Are a Life Blogger!
Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible.
seriously. i absolutely must know who you are.
in fact, everyone should leave a comment in honor of the last 100 visitors before 10,000.
i would absolutely die if i don't know who it is.
i am visitor 9920
i'm visitor #9976
i have no idea what number i am as it will not say
okay now it does... 9987
Hey, I am visitor 9999...close but not the 10,000 that you were looking for!
BRUTAL some looooooooser didn't comment on 10,000. Oh I'm just so put off!
oh haha, i just realized it was probably LISA because when you leave a comment and go back it would add a # to my visitors.
sorry lisa, you're not a loser!
in fact, you are a WINNER!
woo hoo, 3 cheers for Lisa!!!!!
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