Sunday, February 20, 2005

Much A'Blog About...

OH what a wonderful day so far! I slept in.... till 1:30pm. Holy Mackaral!!! I think I was making up for lost sleeping in time, since I had to work at 8:30am all last week, even though I had the whole week off school! Nice break. Not even yesterday did I get to sleep in because Jeff was leaving for a big snowmobile trip and he wanted me up to say goodbye and stuff. What a guy, he is gone for a week snowmobiling, and then next week he is on his way to Mexico. Sheesh. He'll have a good time though! Anyways, the other reason I got to sleep in so much is because last night I was up till 3:30am playing The Sims 2, the greatest computer game ever known to man. It is just so much fun. Maybe because you get to be in complete control of your Sims life... you get to make them look like whatever you want, and the best part... you get to completely design a house for them! Oh, my dream come true, all rolled into a computer game! I used to want to be an architecht when I was little, but I never really had the math skills for it. Also last night, some people went over to Charmaine's house and we played three games of Settlers and two games of Rook. My two favorite games in the whole world. I am proud to say that I won the first game of Settlers, and the first game of Rook by a fairly large margin. So last night was obviously games night for me, seeing as it started at 8 and went till 3:30am. I am borrowing Jeff's laptop while he's away so I think thats why I stayed up so late, I got to play the Sims in bed.

Well today my whole family is returning from their long weekend in Calgary. I really truly enjoyed my time without a large, loud and exciting household, but at the same time, I don't like sleeping alone in this big house. I would love to have a little cute house with a friend, but it would be really stupid of me to move out while I'm in university, since living here is free. But it would be nice. Anyway I sure did enjoy a few days. But welcome home family!

There are a few people who I have thought in my mind would make really fabulous blogs. I know that blogs have all of a sudden become the newest fad, and some people just don't want to do what everyone else is doing, but that is no reason not to start one. Especially if you are a really creative person! I am proud to say I have convinced Chad to start one, even though I did the whole thing, and so far he hasn't done one entry besides "hey people"... but hey it's a start! I also convinced Kevin to make one yesterday. I helped my brother, Phil, start one too. I'm all for it because I know how much I have enjoyed making my blog. It's fun to sit down and write some thoughts to the world, no matter what they may be! So some people who I have thought should also make a blog would be my two Ontario friends, Chris E and Lowana because they are two very funny people...Alison because her life is so interesting, in fact it would be cool if you and Leon did one together, that you both could add too...Chad, but I got him already, I just wish he'd do it...Lynnel because I would just LOVE to hear what she'd come up with to say!...Tania because she's so cute...yah that's all I can think of right now. However, I would absolutely positively read anybody's blog that I knew, because everyone should do them!!! That is my blog commercial of the day. I still do not really like the actual word, BLOG, however. It is kind of... manly or something.

Well those are my early Sunday afternoon thoughts of the day. I really wish I had gone to the church for lunch though because they had soup and sandwiches and I still haven't eaten lunch yet, and gosh, I wish I had a sandwich and some soup.


Jenna said...

Save some fudge for me

Kevin said...

Well Kristin, I guess this blog reformation is owed to you. Good work